
This division is for boys in grades 5-6 who reside in the attendance area for Red Land High School. There is no tryout, but players must be evaluated to help create well-balanced and competitive teams. Registration opens in August and closes in October. Practices start in November. Games start in January and conclude no later than the first weekend in March.

Player Participation

Teams: Up to ten (10) players per team. Up to six (6) teams in the division. Additional teams may be created based on enrollments and gym availability.

Practices: One (1) per week for 1.5 hours on a weekday (Monday - Friday) assigned by RLYB at a West Shore School District Facility.

Games: One (1) per week on Sundays in January and February. A total of eight (8) regular season games are played. A single elimination tournament is held the last week of the season. Regular season games are played at Red Land High School in the afternoon. 

Game Structure

Ball Size: Size 6 (28.5")

Basket Height: 10 feet

# of Players on Court: 5 v 5

Officials: IAABOU or PIAA officials paid by RLYB.

Game Length: Four 8-minute periods. One (1) minute between periods. If needed, one 3-minute extra period (OT) then golden basket.

Scoring: Field goals are worth 2 or 3 points. On shooting fouls, the shooter will be awarded one point and one shot. If made, an additional point is given to the shooter. Scores on the scoreboard will be set to zero (0) if a team is ahead by 20 or more points but continue to be tracked at the scorer's table. Wins and losses will be recorded and used for seeding in a single elimination tournament.

Timeouts: One (1) 60-second timeout per half.

Start of Game Possession: Jump ball.

Game Tactics

Playing Time: All players play at least half the game. Some may play more based on the number of teammates.

Set Defense: Only player-to-player defense is allowed. Zone defense is not allowed.

Pressing Defense: Pressing is not allowed. Half-court defense only.

Double-Team: Not allowed. Help defense only.

Stealing from Dribbler: Allowed.

Stealing the Pass: Allowed.

Screens: Allowed.

Game Rules

Backcourt Timeline: 10 seconds.

5 Seconds Closely Guarded: Only when the offensive player is holding the ball.

Clock Stoppage: The clock will be stopped for injuries, timeouts, and every four (4) minutes for substitutions. The clock will also stop the last minute of the 2nd, 4th, and OT periods.

Fouls: Will be tracked at the scores table. Players are disqualified after 5 fouls. Team fouls are not tracked, and no bonus is awarded.
